The Giving Tree
The Giving Tree will be sponsored by the Tuesday morning Bible Study group. The tree will be decorated with many ornaments that you may...

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Services
Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called...

Thanksgiving Church Service
Join us on November 23rd at 9:30 for a service of Thanksgiving.

Reformation Sunday
Reformation Sunday is this Sunday, October 29th. Join us at: - 9:10 am for a Luther Hymn Sing - 9:30 am for our Reformation Worship...

Trunk or Treat
Keep your eyes P-e-e-l-e-d!! for Halloween Fun!! Bring your Friends and Neighbors to enjoy a night of SAFE Fun and Treats given out of...

LWML Ingathering
LWML is asking for donations of food and personal hygiene items.

LWML Fall Celebration & Luncheon
Join us for the LWML Fall Celebration and Luncheon featuring guest speaker Gerrie Wilkowski.

Vacation Bible School
Kids ages 3-12, join us July 17th-19th from 6pm - 8pm for Camp Out VBS, where you'll be getting s'more of Jesus! *a light dinner will be...

Summer Concert
Join us on June 11th at 4pm for an enjoyable afternoon of music from all of our choirs! The Chancel Choir, Praise Team and Jubilate...

Palm Sunday Service
Join us on Sunday April 9th as we celebrate Palm Sunday! 8:30 am Traditional Worship 9:45 am Adult Bible Study 10:00 am Sunday...