Movie Night - "The First Rosa"
Born to an ordinary life in an ordinary town in rural Alabama, Rosa J. Young was anything but ordinary. With a passion for helping others, educating children and sharing the Gospel, Rosa accomplished extraordinary things for her community and the kingdom of God. Known as the “Mother of Black Lutheranism in Central Alabama,” Rosa Young (1890 - 1971) was instrumental in founding and promoting 30 Lutheran elementary schools and 35 Lutheran congregations in Alabama’s “Black Belt.” Her legacy is unparalleled as an educator, confessor and church planter for Christ and His Church.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has created a movie, written, produced, and directed by Rev. Dr. Ardon Albrecht, about Rosa Young that will enlighten the Church about her remarkable history, initiate and invoke the vocation of new professional church workers, and inspire the establishment of new Rosa J. Young Academies.
It’s time to hear her full story…and now you can! Canoga Park Lutheran Church Saturday, May 14, 2016 2 pm in the Sanctuary Question and Answers after the screening with Rev. Dr. Ardon Albrecht